Ventura Orthopedics Surgery Center
At Ventura Orthopedics, our operating rooms are equipped with the same advanced technology found in hospital settings, meeting the highest standards of care. We offer state-of-the-art surgeries such as same-day total joint and shoulder replacements, ensuring you receive hospital-quality procedures with the convenience of our specialized center. Our entire staff, from nurses to anesthesiologists, is expertly trained in orthopedic surgeries, providing focused and specialized care. Additionally, we offer this exceptional care at a significantly lower out-of-pocket cost compared to hospitals. Our facility is designed to create a personal and comforting atmosphere, and our patients consistently report high levels of satisfaction with their care experience.
The Ventura Orthopedics Surgery Center offers a wide range of procedures, including:
- Total Joint Replacement (hip, knee, and shoulder)
- Cervical Spine
- Lumbar Spine
- Arthroscopic Surgery
- Foot and Ankle Surgery
- Fracture Care
- Hand Surgery
- Knee Surgery
- Shoulder Surgery
- Hip Arthroscopy
3525 Loma Vista Road
Suite B
Ventura, CA 93003
Contact Information
Phone: 805.232.3800
Fax: 805.804.6708
Services Offered
Learn More About Surgery at Ventura Orthopedics

Preparing for Your Surgery
Follow these guidelines the day before your surgery to ensure that your operation goes smoothly:
Notify your surgeon before coming to the center if there is any change in your physical condition, such as a cold or fever.
If no one has contacted you prior to your surgery, please call the center for specific instructions.
If you wear contact lenses or glasses, bring a case for their safekeeping. We provide containers for removable dentures and bridgework.
Do not drink or eat anything after midnight – not even coffee or water. This will reduce the possibility of nausea and vomiting following anesthesia. You may brush your teeth, remembering not to swallow anything. Refrain from the use of mints, chewing gum or cigarettes. Failure to follow these instructions may result in cancellation of your surgery.
Please do not take any medication after midnight unless instructed by your physician or our office. If you are diabetic or on blood pressure or heart medication, obtain specific instructions from your physician or contact the center.
Day of Surgery
To help us meet all your needs, please follow these guidelines:
It is your responsibility to arrange in advance for a responsible adult to drive you home and remain with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. You cannot drive yourself or be left alone.
Please bathe or shower prior to your surgery. Remove all makeup. Do not use lotions or oils after bathing.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing such as sweat suits and easy-to-button shirts or blouses that are big enough to accommodate a large bandage after surgery. Wear comfortable shoes, no high heels, please.
Leave all valuable things, including jewelry and cash, at home. We cannot be responsible for damaged or lost property.
Be prepared to sign a form giving your consent for the operation. If the patient is under 18, a parent or legal guardian must accompany the patient and sign the consent form.
Bring all insurance cards and your driver’s license with you to the center. See the section on insurance and billing.
Please arrive one hour before your scheduled procedure unless otherwise instructed.
- A nurse will provide you with a patient gown, slippers, and a basket to store your clothing in before you are escorted to the preoperative area. We will also check your temperature, blood pressure and pulse and ask you to empty your bladder before surgery.
- Your family will be asked to wait in the front lobby. The surgeon will speak with your family immediately following surgery.

After Surgery
Arrange in advance for a responsible adult to pick you up at the center, drive you home and remain with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. You cannot drive yourself or be left alone.
Before you leave the center, you will be given written instructions for your care at home.
After you have returned home, be sure to follow your doctor’s orders regarding diet, rest, medication, and activity. It is not unusual to feel a little sleepy, lightheaded, or dizzy for several hours after your operation. Do not sign any important papers or make any significant decisions for at least 24 hours.
If you have any questions or problems after surgery, please contact your doctor.
A nurse from the Ventura Orthopedic Surgery Center will phone you within a few days after your surgery to see how you are and answer any additional questions you might have.
Do not drive a car, smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, operate machinery or cook for 24 hours after surgery.
Insurance and Billing
We require you to pay any deductible and co-insurance· portions on the day of surgery. We use the base fee to estimate this amount. Charges for anesthesia are based on actual time used and are billed by the anesthesiologist. An estimate can be given to you prior to surgery, but additional charges may be necessary if the time used is greater than the estimated time.
Prior to your surgery date you will be notified of your estimated insurance coverage and amount of co-pay due. Due to the number of insurance plans, we suggest that you contact your insurance company if you have a specific question regarding your coverage.
After surgery we will file your insurance paper for you. Any amounts not covered by your insurance, deductibles or coinsurance will be collected on the day of surgery. We accept most major credit cards with approval on the date of payment.
If the facility or anesthesia costs are more than anticipated, you will be billed for the difference. Any overpayment will be refunded after 30 days from receipt of the insurance payment. The bill will not include the services of your surgeon or any lab fees.
It is your right as a patient to request information or have questions answered regarding fees or payment policies. If you have any questions or problems regarding your bill, please contact us via email or phone 805.232.5100. We will be happy to help you between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Children Are Special
At Ventura Orthopedics Surgery Center, we meet the special needs of children by creating a relaxed, comfortable environment. To make children feel more at home we encourage them to bring along a favorite toy or blanket.
We also encourage parents to discuss surgery with the child beforehand to help alleviate unnecessary stress. Parents can stay with their child until surgery and may rejoin the child as soon as it is appropriate. We recommend that one adult drives home while another care for the child. According to law you are required to provide appropriate car seats.
Thank You
We appreciate the trust you have placed in the staff at Ventura Orthopedics Surgery Center. We will make every attempt to honor that trust by providing the high-quality medical care you expect and deserve from Ventura Orthopedics Surgery Center. We want your visit to be as pleasant as possible and welcome any comments or suggestions you may have.